Dirk Huelstrunk – Office of dispensable words

Pääkirjaston sisäpiha
Ke-to 11-16, pe 14-18, la 11-16

Kommunikoi tehokkaasti – poista käytöstä tarpeettomat sanat. “Tarpeettomien sanojen toimistossa” työskentelevälle runoilijalle voi lahjoittaa sanat, joille ei ole käyttöä ja saada vastineeksi yllätyssanan Turhat sanat taltioidaan ja esitetään myöhemmin tekstin ja äänen muodossa. Ohjelmassa myös performanssia ja vierailevia runoilijoita.

Communicate efficiently – eliminate words you don´t need! The “office of dispensable words“  is a poetic-bureaucratic installation, a temporary office located in the yard of the Turku City Library during Olohuone Festival from June 10-13 with daily performances & open poetry stage.

Frustrated or angry about words? Too many useless words? Maybe the words don´t work then way you want, they don´t say what you want to say, they are unclear, misleading, cheesy, shallow, trivial, out-dated, bloated, boasting, stupid, derogative, abusive, offensive, intrusive, unfair, nonsensical, too expensive, too cheap, too short or too long, too UGLY or completely unnecessary…..? During office hours, you can hand in unwanted, unnecessary words. In return you will get a receipt and a surprise word you can fill with new exciting meaning. Dispensable words will be registered and recycled in script and sound. The results will be displayed and performed & discussed during performance hours.

Our socio-economical system creates enormous amounts of trash in language: word-shells, packaging, plastic-words, broken, crooked, fragmented and defunct words, fillers, annoying buzzwords, pretentious, pompous, bloated or just stupid words. Would our language or even our life become easier, more focussed and effective if we could get rid of this word-trash?  Search engine algorithms already filter out „unnecessary“ stop-words and work much smoother this way. But why should machines secretly decide, which words are necessary or unnecessary?

The office of dispensable words“ is an interactive art & social project about exchanging, sharing, optimizing and efficiency. What is necessary/ unnecessary? How effective can art be? Is art most efficient without a purpose, creating free and playful nonsense?  This question will be raised by a German artist, mostly speaking English in a bilingual Finnish-Swedish surrounding. Turku artists and poets are invited to exchange, discuss & perform in this context.

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